This section contains photos related to my former musical activities. The collection is not complete yet, more pictures will be added soon.
Just click on a headline or the link "Read more..." below the introducing text to go to the corresponding photo collection.

Here you can find photos from the beginning of my rock music activities with my old friend Rütze.
All photos were taken in 1979 and 1980 by my mother, except the last one. This was published in the newspaper "Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung" on Monday, September 06, 1982, after Rütze and I had made street music on the street festival in Schriesheim on Saturday before.

Here you can find photos of my former band "The Connection" in their first line-up with two guitars and drums.
All photos were taken in 1980 by my mother.

Here you can find photos of my former band "The Connection" in their second line-up with guitar, bass and drums.
All photos were taken in 1980 and 1981.

Here you can find photos of my former band "Mithrandir" in their first line-up with guitar, bass and drums.
All photos were taken in 1982 by my mother.

Here you can find photos of my former punk band HTLV-III.
All photos were taken by Dirk Schlösser on Saturday, 9th of November 1985, before and on the first concert of the band at the Leif Eriksson-Club in Weinheim, thank you Dirk.